Many in the medical industry see Drugless Medicine as a “threat” to the industry, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Drugless Functional Medicine
Many in the medical industry see Drugless Medicine as a “threat” to the industry, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Drugless Functional Medicine
How would you like a personal non-medical Doctor to help you achieve your individual health goals? Are you motivated and driven to accomplish more out
But take the right supplements, at the right times and in the right amounts! The most important thing you can do to take control over
Nutritional Independence is the concept that the individual is fully capable of making his/her own decisions about food and nutrition, without relying on outside extreme
From a clinical, solutions-oriented standpoint, “toxicity”, per se, is not the “cause” of disease. It is the absence or the insufficiency of necessary bio-chemicals that
DBM is an off-shoot, modernization of Orthomolecular Medicine, a term coined by Linus Pauling that means “The Right Molecule”. DBM advances on Orthomolecular Medicine by
I’m going to ask you three simple yes or no questions, and feel free to answer them in a private email response HERE: Are you
Vitamin D is an important biochemical that is needed for many biological processes, from bone formation to immune function. However, it is not what you
No healing can happen in the presence of deficiency. Find the Deficiency First And start with Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, and Magnesium. C, B3, Mg
Chronic or acute depression is hardware and software based. You can’t “treat” one and expect to correct the other. Both aspects need to be “treated”,